Saturday 7 November 2009

The hunt begins

1. I'm not allowed to use the washing machine
2. I'm never sure of whether I can cook in the evenings
3. I stay in my room to avoid disturbing the landlord, who doesn't seem to have any time to help me settle, is always stressed, who refuses to eat any extra portions of food I cook, who doesn't seem to want to converse anything at any great length with me...and is in a family situation which is quite frankly, odd and complicated...
4. There isn't an opportunity to meet young people and make friends.

What does that amount to? A shit time at home.

What does one do? Grit his teeth and starts looking for another place. I've already viewed 4 places and intend to view my boss aptly put it, I came to Hamburg not just to do architecture, but to experience Hamburg...

Apart from that, work is great - it's been the consistent highlight of being here so far. Now I just need to mend the other life. My landlord may be taking the smile off my face at the moment, but she will not take away my FREEDOM!

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