Wednesday, 28 April 2010

(A few notes from last weekend)

Aurel, Ottensen with Sebastien & Fred
then Sommersalon, Reeperbahn,
then a surreal wander through the red corridors
then back to Sommersalon
then KFC
then S-Bahn, fell asleep, ended up in Elbgaustrasse, back to Altona, fell asleep on wrong platform, feel asleep on S-Bahn & almost missed Othmarschen
home 0530 or something...

drew the Head of Madonna from La Pietà by Michelangelo

met up with Kasia for a cultural crawl in the city...
Julia Stoschek "I Want To See How You See" @ Deichtorhallen.
an outdoor rave/after-party by the river (?!)
Körber-Foto-Award 2010 / Michael Schirmer @ Haus der Photographie
browsing through photos in the bookshop
beer at Saal II, Sternschanze, watching the girls, boys and couples go by

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Frühling Friday Lunchtime

Vanilla milk drink in right, Berliner in left

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Larry the Literate

Despite this week being one of the busiest weeks at work, the fact that I'm over almost two weeks late with my rent and have had to grind out this weekend in anticipation for March's already-late wages tomorrow meant that I was forced to reflect a lot about my tenure here in Hamburg. Hindrances aside this reluctant weekend of rest has led me to read and 'study' - and reading is what I have done a lot since the turn of the year.

I've never really picked up a book of fiction to read leisurely until this year and it was spurred on by the limitation of having no computer and hence, no internet. This liberated me to seek for other, and more worthwhile, activities and one that I have wholesomely embraced is the act of reading. My landlord's living room walls are literally bookshelves from floor to ceiling which intrigued me in the long winter nights to discover something new. Since departing for Hamburg I've been reading books at an exponential rate where I find myself today even dabbling in a bit of deutsch literature (?!).

A little recap on what I've buried my head into then (in chronological order since October 2009):
- "The Architecture of Happiness" by Alain de Botton
- "The Poetics of Space" by Gaston Bachelard
- "Sketches by Boz" by Charles Dickens (still reading...)
- "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde
- "1984" by George Orwell
- "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- "Atmospheres" by Peter Zumthor
- "Down and Out in Paris and London" by George Orwell

Ironically I've read a lot of English literature during a time when I'm not even in the country and in a sense I've got a newfound affinity for London as depicted in some of these tales, whetting my appetite for my return to The Big Smoke.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Ostern in Ochtrup

It was exactly five years to the weekend that I first met Markus "Der Superbauer" Rohling and it felt like destiny that I returned to the place where my life changed profoundly. I spent this past Easter weekend in Ochtrup, a village less than an hour from Münster to fulfil a promise that was long overdue. There were too many momentous occasions and intoxicated-influenced occurrences in this single trip to write about within this single entry but one worth highlighting was the "Osterfeuer" on Easter Sunday evening. One of Markus's friends, Timo had invited everyone round to his family farm to light a bonfire, a traditional ritual at Easter time in Germany. We could see from afar other bonfires from neighbouring farms and we were lucky enough to get the fire raging before the heavens began to pour upon the pastures. A shabby wooden passenger wagon was the place of refuge for the party to watch the Osterfeuer in (semi-)shelter before we drowned ourselves in Weinbrand (cognac and coke) in the party room with a jukebox on hand to keep the soundtrack lively and varied. I had pretty much been drinking the whole weekend from a monstrous 3-litre glass that by the time it got to Easter Monday I was glad to be having an alcohol-free evening.

The Easter break alleviated some of the uncertainty which clouded the past couple of weeks with regards to my position at work. However, this was transcended tenfold by the humble and humorous shenanigans I had experienced once again in this farmland in which a part of my heart is embedded (and the eggshell that I broke free from in 2005 - no pun intended).

Pictures to follow...